Incredible Facts About The New Seven Wonders Of The World - Blog - Vietravel Asia

Incredible Facts About The New Seven Wonders Of The World
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Incredible Facts About The New Seven Wonders Of The World

Herodotus was the first to create a list of The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World which included most remarkable creations of classical antiquity. Unfortunately, his writings has been lost, except as references. In 2001,  the New7Wonders Foundation which based in Zurich, Switzerland, conducted an international poll to update the new list called The New 7 Wonders of the World. After more than 100 million votes through the Internet or by telephone and international campaigns,  winners announced on 7 July 2007 in Portugal.

From Mexico to China, The New 7 Wonders of the World represent the magnificent man-made architectural marvels of the modern era. Its time to stop wondering about the wonderfulness of these wonders, as we are here to unravel the striking facts about all these marvels. Let's check out top incredible facts about The New Seven Wonders of the World below.

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Interesting facts about Chichen Itza, Mexico

With a name roughly meaning “At the mouth of the well of Itza”, Chichen Itza is the mythical ruins of Mayan civilization, dating back to about 600 AD.  This site is full of intriguing facts that you probably did not know.


The construction site chosen for Chichen Itza was between two large natural sink holes nearby that would have provided water year-round. One of these sink holes was thought to have been used as a place of human sacrifice. These sacrifices were made in times of drought, and men, women and children would be thrown in the well as a sacrifice to the Chac God. The Chac God is the Maya God of rain and lightning and these sacrifices were done to end drought.

The El Castillo, also known as the Temple of Kukulcan, is probably the most famous image of Chichen Itza. The temple is a great example of the unbelievably precise mathematic, astronomic and architectural knowledge of the ancient Mayans. The Castillo is a monument in the shape of a pyramid with four staircases on the outside.  It has 365 steps in total with 91 on each side and one at the top. This equals the number of 365 days in a year. Each side of the pyramid represented one season and was used to figure out the best times for sowing seeds or harvesting crops. This huge pyramid, in fact, functioned as one big calendar.

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Interesting facts about Christ the Redeemer, Brazil

The iconic statue of Jesus Christ, standing atop Corcovado Mountain that overlooks Rio de Janeiro, is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable monuments in the world. The statue is a symbol of peace, warmth and welcoming nature of the Brazilian people. Beyond its breathtaking views, Christ the Redeemer has a colourful history that’s worth exploring.


The statue of Christ the Redeemer was built using reinforced concrete and has an outer shell of 6 million soapstone tiles. It’s believed that the workers who made these tiles frequently wrote notes on the back, meaning this iconic landmark is littered with hidden messages.

The original design of the statue was different from what we see today. It was intended for Jesus Christ to be holding a globe in one hand and a cross in the other. Moreover, the statue should face the rising sun. While the design initially won over the project’s organizers, people called it with the playful name “Christ with a ball.” After a survey from various points throughout the city and consulting with famous Brazilian artist Carlos Oswald, Da Silva Costa came up with a new design: an arms-wide-open Jesus Christ.

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Interesting facts about The Colosseum, Italy

The mother of all sports stadiums, the magnificent Colosseum in Rome was built between 70 and 82 AD. At its amazing height, the amphitheater could seat up to 50,000 spectators for a variety of events from gladiatorial combats, wild animal hunts and, believe it or not, ship naval battles!


The Colosseum is a freestanding structure composed of concrete and stone, unlike the majority of amphitheatres at the time, which were need to dug into hillsides for support. Its shape is roughly elliptical and measures 615 feet long, 510 feet wide, and 157 feet high, making it the largest amphitheatre in the Roman world and the biggest ever constructed. This wonderful ancient sporting arena could easily fit a modern day football pitch inside!

Free for all! At the Colosseum’s major events – often those organised and paid for by the Emperors themselves, in order to gain popularity and support from the public – there was no entry fee. Sometimes, free food was served throughout the spectacles, too.

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Interesting facts about Great Wall of China, China

The 4,000-mile brick wall was erected from as early as the 7th century BC to fortify the historical northern borders of the Chinese Empire against various nomadic groups of the steppe and their polities. This amazing Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure in the world that weaves through China’s countryside holds many stories and quirks unknown to most. 

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Contrary to common belief, despite of its incredible length of 21,196.18 km, equal to half the length of the Equator, the Great Wall of China cannot be seen from space with the naked eye. But it can be seen from the moon with aid of high-tech lens.

This Great Wall of China has been called the longest cemetery on Earth. Over a million people died in 2,300 years of building the Wall and archaeologists have found a lots of human remains buried under parts of the wall.

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Interesting facts about Machu Picchu, Peru

Located more than 7,000 feet above sea level in the Andes Mountains, the lost cities of Machu Picchu is an awe-inspiring ruin of the Inca civilization that  is on most people’s travel bucket list. Built in 1450 and abandoned a century later, this complex gives us incredible insight into the daily life, religion, and technical prowess of the powerful Inca Empire .


The Inca Empire was the largest South American empire that existed between the 15th and 16th centuries. The Incas lacked the aid of wheels or animals to transport such heavy rocks, yet built one of the most impressive kingdoms in World's history. They used a masonry technique known as Ashlar – meaning that the rocks were shaped to fit together. And their workmanship was of such a high standard that even a knife blade can’t fit between two stones.

Due to its mountain setting, this Lost City of the Incas can’t be seen from below. Consequently, it was one of the only cities built during the Inca civilisation that survived through the Spanish conquest. And this beautiful archaeological site is still well-preserved today.

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Interesting facts about Petra, Jordan

Another lost city of the ancient world, Petra, Known as the Rose City due to the colour of the stone, dates back to the 6th century BC, when it was the capital city of the Nabataens. UNESCO even described this fascinating historical and archaeological city as “one of the most precious cultural properties of man’s cultural heritage”. 

The people of Nabataean took special care to honour the dead as they passed from this world to the next. They built more than 1,000 protected tombs on the mountains and around the city. Despite what you’ve seen on the movies, Petra’s Treasury is not a looming maze of booby-trapped halls designed to separate the righteous from the unworthy, but an area that is most likely a beautifully decorated graveyard.

Like many peoples of the time, the Nabataeans worshipped the sun as a powerful source of light and life, and city’s design reflects their reverence. Many of the Petra’s most sacred spaces are constructed to align with solar patterns, including solstices. This careful design gives modern scientists and archaeologists valuable insight into what the Nabataeans held dear, and exactly how special Petra must have been.

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Interesting facts about Taj Mahal, India

Many amazing Taj Mahal facts and myths have surfaced over the years, but the real history is much more fascinating than any fiction. This iconic mausoleum, inspired by love, has attracted millions of visitors with its serene beauty.

Taj Mahal

The mausoleum is often referred to as the “crown of palaces” as it is considered the most beautiful and eternal among all. Taj Mahal is the most beautiful symbol of love. It was a dedication of a sorrowful emperor called Shah Jahan to his third wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631 while giving birth to their 14th child.

Mahal. It is said that over 1,000 elephants were used to transport heavy materials and supplies for construction. 28 types of precious and semiprecious jewels are set in the marbles. The turquoises came from Tibet, jades came from China, and heavy white marbles — the principal building materials — was transported from a state in northern India - Rajasthan.

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