Vietnam Draws Nearly 10M Tourists in First Half of 2024

Vietnam Draws Nearly 10M Tourists in First Half of 2024
Claire Ho
Vietnam Draws Nearly 10M Tourists in First Half of 2024

In a dazzling display of resilience, Vietnam's tourism sector is not just recovering – it's flourishing. The first seven months of 2023 have seen international visitors flooding back to the Southeast Asian gem, with numbers approaching the 10 million mark.

This staggering influx represents a jaw-dropping 51% leap from last year and even edges past pre-pandemic figures, signaling a robust rebound for the country's travel industry.

Vietnam Draws Nearly 10M Tourists in First Half of 2024
Foreign visitors enjoying cyclo rides in Hoi An's historic streets.

Asian markets growth 2024

Asia leads the charge in this tourism tidal wave, with a 57% surge that's turning heads and filling hotels. The usual suspects – China, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan – are front and center, but it's the unexpected players that are adding spice to the mix. South Korea becoming the top source market, contributing 2.6 million visitors - 26% of total arrivals. China follows closely with 2.1 million tourists.

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European markets show surprising strength

European countries such as the UK, France, Russia, and Italy have also witnessed significant increases in visitor numbers, despite the current off-peak travel season.

Additionally, Australia and India, continue to emerge as promising markets, each recording a 27% rise in visitors. Recent tourism promotion efforts in Australia are expected to further stimulate growth.. Agoda, a digital travel platform, reported a 26% increase in searches for Vietnamese destinations by Australian tourists in June.

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Mr. Vu The Binh, Chairman of the Vietnam Tourism Association, expressed optimism about exceeding the initial target of 17-18 million international tourists this year. He stated that this goal actually falls short of Vietnam’s true tourism potential. The chairman emphasized the association's ambitious vision, aiming to surpass the target and welcome over 20 million foreign travelers by year's end. This breakthrough objective, he believes, will more accurately reflect Vietnam's capacity and allure on the global stage.

Source: Tuoitrenews

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